Monday, May 26, 2008

Faith Rally

Hey guys, so for those who went last year, the You Are the Light of the World Rally is happening again this year! WOOT WOOT! last year it was at the ricoh coliseum but this year we're taking it out doors! So be prepared to be called by your leaders to hopefully attend this awesome event

Friday, May 30, 2008
9:00am - 2:30pm
Basilian Marian Shrine of Gratitude (behind Carmine Stefano Community Centre)
Weston Rd. & Sheppard Ave.
Toronto, ON
This Christian event has been called the "Ricoh Rally" in the last 2 years (naturally, because it was @ Ricoh Coliseum)...

This year, the "You Are the Light of the World" Faith Rally makes its return in an outdoor setting! This time, the venue is the Basilian Marian Shrine of Gratitude, a.k.a. the big field behind St. Jude's!!It boils down to this: OUTDOOR WORSHIP!!

There will be a short talk about Christ's love and Sacred Heart, Holy Mass celebrated in the morning, possibly a couple of guest performers during the Lunch hour, and a dance & dramatic number as well!

We will end with a BANG, as we close everything out with an hour-long WORSHIP!!!

God-willing, the weather will be great and we will worship in His natural creation with (hopefully) thousands of others who also wanna show their thanksgiving to the Lord!

[ WHO'S INVITED? ]Come one, come all! This is for ANY believer in Christ ("young ones" AND "young once") who wants to have a great time worshipping His name! So it doesn't matter what your group affiliation is (if you even have one). Simply COME AND WORSHIP! WOOHOO!!!

[ FOR THOSE IN HIGH SCHOOL ]PLEASE TALK TO YOUR SCHOOL CHAPLAINCY TEAM ABOUT ORGANIZING A GROUP TO GO TO THIS RALLY! Ask anyone who went last year for help on how to do this. I know there's a lot of you out there.

So yea, this event is recognized by the TCDSB and your school chaplain should know about this. Therefore, your school is probably already going! So yea, the details are up there and pray for good weather!

Take care, God bless,
Steph & EJ

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